Bhyo was founded in 2012 by the entrepreneur, diver, researcher and videographer Ricardo Stangorlini (Galego). It is a company focused on development projects, enterprises, educational and interactive conten s related to life in the oceans.
The theme of marine conservation is every day more evident, but there is a major lack in the ways all content levels reach people. Identified this deficiency to BHYO's mission is to identify opportunities and develop solutions for the dissemination of knowledge, awareness and engagement of society on these issues.
Com 30 anos de experiência em mergulho em diversos ambientes e técnicas, o trabalho desenvolvido por Galego, abrange diferentes vertentes, que compreendem:
Organização de expedições de mergulho técnico;
Treinamento de atores;
Segurança de ambiente em trabalhos náuticos;
Primeiros socorros;
Participação em projetos culturais em parceria com a empresa Cultura Sustentável, cumprindo funções de captação, curadoria e produção.
Cinegrafista Subaquático, Galego participou de produções diversas, como:
Programas de televisão (Rede Globo, SBT, Record, Cultura, Band Sports, ESPN Brasil, Fox International, Discovery Channel);
Documentários sobre vida selvagem e meio ambiente;
Comerciais de televisão;
Vídeos institucionais.
Projeto Diamante Líquido Livro e Filme, que contempla em seu conteúdo um Brasil interior de águas majestosas e rara beleza.
Documentário sobre o Arquipélago de Alcatrazes 2015.
Trabalhos realizados pela empresa Cultura Sustentável como: A Exposição Água, realizada no Parque Ibirapuera e mais 6 parques referências em SP.
Vida Marinha; Naufrágios e Pontos de Mergulho; e Abrolhos
Entre outros projetos e trabalho de consultoria especializada.
Atualmente Diretor da RGS Vídeo Digital Subamrino Ltda., Founder & CEO da Bhyo Enterprises e do empreendimento BHYO Adventure Malls - Tanques de Mergulho.
Confira abaixo no mapa marcado em laranja os países visitados.
Design and development of dedicated spaces: Recreational Scuba Diving , Snorkeling, Technical, Scientific and Rebreathers diving.
Development and operation of tanks,and pools for diving and artificial reefs.
Exploration and development of new destinations for diving.
Underwater tourism, travel groups, individual and customized packages.
Concept development, exhibition spaces and interactive tools for exhibitions, museums, cultural centers and aquariums.
The way knowledge is transmitted is changing rapidly and is increasingly required constant updating to achieve our goals, be they cultural or entertainment.
With a multidisciplinary team and strategic partnerships with exponents in different areas, BHYO offers the complete solution for your space.
Creation and development of individual or itinerant exhibitions in public and private spaces, addressing marine issues or related to water.
Representation festivals with themes related to environmental conservation of the oceans and inland waters.
Creation and development forums and national and international Summits.
Training and development of procedures to improve the provision of professional services in the areas of diving, underwater tourism, and environmental research.
Study and implementation of artificial reefs.
Image capture in underwater areas: 2D photos and videos, 3D and virtual reality. Materials with the purpose to: movies, documentaries, shows and exhibitions.
Writer, author and developer of works related to the research and exploration of the underwater world and environment.
Creating products, tools and educational and / or recreational interactive media.