
A Bhyo possui projetos em diferentes áreas. Conheça mais escolhendo um deles:

Bhyo - Adventure Malls

Bhyo - Adventure Malls

Unique and innovative space designed for all levels of divers, including those yet to be.

Deep pool, lakes representing the aquatic environments of Brazil. All this within a mall with 150,000 square meters full dedicated to adventure sports and nature.

Diamante líquido

Liquid Diamond

A Brazil of majestic and rare beauty waters. This is the backdrop to call the world's attention to the importance of water, an abundant resource in our country but that already shows signs of fragility.

Liquid Diamond aims to attract people's attention to the preservation of aquatic fauna and flora, with a incredible images content, Liquid Diamond can be replicated in other parts of the world.

In the first phase is being finalized a documentary with several destinations where water is the main attraction.

In the next steps we will take the project to other countries, and will make not only videos but photos as well that may become exhibitions, book and other products.

Under development.

Projeto Baleia Jubarte – Mesa Interativa de Sons

Humpback Whale Institute

In partnership with the Baleia Jubarte Institute, Bhyo is modernizing the visitor center of Praia do Forte - BA, developing tools and solutions such as interactive digital table.

Projeto Baleia Jubarte

Under development.